December, 2020

[OOTD] My Holiday Style Guide For You.

[OOTD] My Holiday Style Guide For You.

HOHOHO))12月正式來到!除了上一篇的生日穿搭,趁著雙11、黑五、雙12的各種折扣,我也幫聖誕還有跨年都準備好了♥今天這篇一口氣跟大家分享我已經開箱等不及穿出門的12月佳節穿搭吧:)! Here comes your shopping guide for the most wonderful time of the year!!

[OOTD] Timeless Wardrobe Icons for Now and Forever.

[OOTD] Timeless Wardrobe Icons for Now and Forever.

每年的12月總是我最喜歡的月份,有生日,有聖誕節,有跨年,有冷靜下來的天氣,還有濃濃的節慶感,噢,現在對我來說還多了一個結婚紀念日♥所以這個月份也絕對是我的治裝月(笑)。 剛好,歲末年終先有雙11跟黑五,後有Cyber Monday跟雙12,每個網站折扣都讓我在電腦前腎上腺激增,更有充足好理由全部換新買起來嘿嘿♥。 With these timeless pieces, there are only minimal efforts required;)!