leather pants

[OOTD] New Year, New Look! For the 2021 Refresh!

[OOTD] New Year, New Look! For the 2021 Refresh!

跨年急凍!聽說接下來幾週依然會是這麼凍,萬般沒想到今年香港跟台灣會是這樣凍的天啊))好在12月跨年前就買了幾件超保暖的大外套,還有冬日絕對必備好看好帥又好穿的靴子,嘿嘿,完全保暖跨進2021年♥! Perfect layers to wear now, from oversized coats to promenade ankle boots. Let’s freshen up the winter wardrobe with the must-have pieces the…

[OOTD] Timeless Wardrobe Icons for Now and Forever.

[OOTD] Timeless Wardrobe Icons for Now and Forever.

每年的12月總是我最喜歡的月份,有生日,有聖誕節,有跨年,有冷靜下來的天氣,還有濃濃的節慶感,噢,現在對我來說還多了一個結婚紀念日♥所以這個月份也絕對是我的治裝月(笑)。 剛好,歲末年終先有雙11跟黑五,後有Cyber Monday跟雙12,每個網站折扣都讓我在電腦前腎上腺激增,更有充足好理由全部換新買起來嘿嘿♥。 With these timeless pieces, there are only minimal efforts required;)!